Dark Ladies: Foie Gras

Hello my dark friends,

Finally I have managed to get out of the wormhole that automatically sucks you in when you decide to start your own business and got back on the “Dark Ladies” track… so this week I did an interview with the lovely Foie Gras.

People that are chronically dependent on Instagram and in love with the dark arts and music scene might have seen her as the pretty lady that King Dude is very much into but I assure you that she is a lot more… musician, graphic designer and overall supertalent with a rebellious twist…

Meet Foie Gras:


photo of Foie Gras is by Muted Fawn

1. You are a freelance graphic designer but also involved in making your own music… I bet I forget a thousand things now that you can do as well… so tell us a bit about your work?

I am a woman of all trades because I feel the need to constantly entertain myself. Yes, I do freelance design which is my passion in life and what I went to school for. I mostly do work for musicians and artists but would like to expand my client base eventually to fashion brands. I started making music as a vessel for my designs. I knew nothing about music when I started it I just had an idea of what sounds good to me and other people liked it too. I work alongside TJ Cowgill in creating works for Actual Pain and I am very proud of what we make.


2.  Your art is very unique with a twist of darkness and full of rebellion… what are your main inspirations for creating?

I don’t see myself as very dark but I am very sensitive and dark thoughts and feelings find their way into my head due to something I read or experience. I love all forms of self expression and believe that sharing how you feel is very therapeutic but in today’s society just coming out and declaring you’re sad is somewhat of a taboo so it’s important to disguise it in song or creative language to help yourself heal and to help other gain perspective.


3. I lately came to read a wonderful essay you wrote about how your art got stolen before and how you dealt with it… can you explain for our readers what “Not yours, never was” means to you in that context?

“not yours never was” started out as a feminist campaign that gained traction thanks to the famed photographer Nick Knight and talented Rei Nadal but also due to it’s insane popularity on tumblr. I think I have about a million “notes” on the first post I’ve made about it (which was not yours never was). “Not yours never was,” now represents to me the toxicity of people and the shame an artist feels when their work grows beyond the creator. I wish I took time out of my schooling to make merchandise or something to ground myself a bit better. I am turning the campaign into an anti-art theft effort for obvious reasons and am very excited to see that direction.


4. What kind of people do you like to work with? Are there cooperations that help you stay creative?

I like to work with anyone who has a passion. I love working with Actual Pain and doing designs for them I plan on expanding wayyyyy more this year. I’d like to have an office or at least somewhere I can screen print. I cannot wait to be my own boss.


5. How did you first get into working as a freelancer?

When I was 17 I made a logo for a record company that they still use today I got paid in T-shirts and I have been absolutely obsessed with the appeal of basic visuals ever since. I loved how it bridged me to the world of my favorite musicians. I feel like it is part of my higher calling.


6. What does darkness or the culture and scene that are based on it mean to you?

Sometimes it means gossipy back stabbers sometimes it means a nice group of trust worthy people. The music scene I am a part of has been tainted with hate lately or at least it has in my experience. I think everyone has the potential to be a little cruel and entitled sometimes. doominfluenceddoom.tumblr.com sums it up all very nicely in a very sardonic way.


7. Can you give us some links to your work and social media profiles?

yes, certainly






Drunk in a Graveyard would like to thank the beautiful Foie Gras for sharing her work and words with us.  All images here are copyright to her, aside from the first image of Foie and the header which are both by Muted Fawn, and should not be reused without her permission.

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